Boyle golf club news

KING HARMON CUP – Padraic O’Connell continued his good run of form in this years King Harmon Cup ; having been the first man through to the semi-finals, he is now the first man in the final, overcoming Gerry Carty in their match. The second semi-final of Sean Heslin versus Michael McHale takes place this coming week.
RESULTS –The first of the series of Winter League 18 hole Stableford took place on Sunday the 3rd of November. Liam Mullaney claimed top spot with 38 points on countback ahead of Lorcan Egan and Sean Heslin who took 2nd place and best gross respectively, with Tommy King coming 3rd.
The second round was played the following Sunday, the 10th. In first place was Gary Carty with 38 points, his gross score being a remarkable 4 over par in some extremely cold and windy conditions. Paul Connolly came 2nd , Padraic O’Connell 3rd, and Michael Simon had the best gross. The Winter League continues over the next 3 Sunday’s with prizes for each day as well as for the league title itself.
CONDOLENCES – The club expresses their sincere condolences to the Perry family on their recent bereavement.
UPCOMING AGMs – The ladies’ AGM takes place on Sunday the 17th of November. The overall club AGM, the “management AGM” , will take place on Sunday the 1st of December. The meetings take place in the clubhouse at 5pm on the relevant dates. Members are welcome to put motions forward for the AGMs, proposal slips are available below the main noticeboard in the front hall. Motions must be available for viewing on the noticeboard for at least up 14 days prior to the relevant AGM.
MENS’ AGM – The Mens AGM took place on Sunday the 10th of November, chaired by 2019 men’s captain, Seamus Gallagher. The following committee was elected for 2020 – Captain- Lorcan Egan, President – Padraic O’Connell, Secretary – Brendan Gaffney, Treasurer- Liam Mullaney, Handicap Secretary – Michael Rush, Competition Secretary – Lorcan Egan, PRO – Jonathan Egan, Committee Members – Vincent Egan, Willie Tiernan, Paul Connolly, Michael Simon, Jim Mooney, Pat Conroy.
The committee extends its thanks to Seamus Gallagher for his service to the club during 2019, and congratulates Lorcan Egan, who will be the youngest men’s captain in at least the past 20 years.