Boyle golf club news

FIXTURES – The mens’ competition scheduled for Sunday the 10th of March had to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions and the risk of damaging the playing surfaces of the greens. An 18 hole Stableford is scheduled for the men on Sunday the 17th of March, St Patrick’s Day. The following Sunday sees the Boyle round of the Holmpatrick Cup, played in fourball betterball format. Online booking is now available for both competitions. The Holmpatrick Cup is a charitable fundraiser for the National Council for the Blind and gives the opportunity for the winning pair to progress to County, Provincial and All-Ireland finals, with the national winners receiving an all expenses paid 3 day trip to St Andrews in Scotland. The competition is in existence since 1932.
“GET INTO GOLF” LADIES PROGRAMME – A Ladies’ Beginner Golf Programme is starting on April 10th for 8 weeks, cost €50. This is a wonderful opportunity for any lady who would like to try golf, or return to it after a period away, to get a taste of what it’s all about. It includes 4 lessons with a pro and opportunities to play and socialise with current members of the golf club. Equipment will be provided. Introduction evening on Wed April 3rd at 7pm. All are welcome and please bring a friend! For further information contact Aisling @ 087 2029064, or the golf club facebook page boylegolfclub.