Boyle golf club news

RESULTS – The final round of this years Spring League was played on Sunday the 17th of February and was won by Ross Andrews 39 points, 2nd and 3rd places going to Vincent Egan and Paul Connolly with 38 points apiece. The overall winner of this years Spring League was club treasurer, Paul Connolly, with Willie Tiernan coming 2nd.
FIXTURES – The big event in the club calendar for February is the Captains and Lady Captains “Drive-In” on Sunday the 24th of February when captainsSeamus Gallagher and Regina McLoughlin will get Boyle’s golfing year off to its official start. We ask all members to come along to this most social of occasions and show support for your captains for the year. The format of the competition itself on the day will be a 9 hole scramble for ladies and gents, a draw for teams will be made on the day, no need for prior arrangements.
PRESENTATION OF PRIZES – There will be a presentation after the Drive-In for all prizes from competitions since the 30th of December, please be in attendance if you have a prize to collect. This will include the Sunday competitions, the Spring League and the Drive-In itself.
MEMBERSHIP- Members are reminded that fees for 2019 are now due . Membership letters are currently being issued but for anyone wishing to go ahead and pay by online banking, the club account IBAN is IE59BOFI90532822439700, please include your name as the reference. The rates remain unchanged from last year, some of the main membership category prices are – Junior Member (under 18) – 60 euro, 1st year beginner – 170 euro, Under 30 member – 275 euro, Full Single Member – 395 euro, Family Membership – 660 euro, Senior Member – 275 euro, Distant Member Single – 185 euro.
A more comprehensive list of the various membership rates is available on the clubs website under “rates” on