Boyle GAA news

The AGM of the minor club will be held on this Saturday 1st February at 5pm in the clubroom. It is vital for a large turnout to ensure a successful year going forward and the club urges parents of any children involved with teams to come along. Plans are in full swing for the dinner dance to be held in Kilronan Castle on Saturday the 8th of February. Tickets are selling fast and still available from any club officer. On the night medals will be presented to the winning intermediate team  and also to the beaten  u21 team. Player of the year awards will also be presented to both the Men’s and Ladies teams. Shane Curran will be special guest on the night. The club offers condolences to the Egan Family Knockarush and the Mc Tiernan family Church View on their recent bereavements.

Boyle Ladies GAA Club AGM report.
There was a good attendance at the Ladies AGM on Sunday 26th in the clubrooms. Laura thanked all for their attendance. She went on to thank all the generous sponsors who had helped the club all year. Sinead provided a comprehensive report on the onfield activities for the year. The treasurers report showed the need for more fundraising in the coming year but also how much the generous contributions of our sponsors had aided the club during the year namely Pat Brogan, ANSAmed, Brendan & Helen Reid and Alan Simon/Ultimate Insulation. Team reports showed great progress at all levels and great potential for the future of the club.
The officers for 2014 are as follows:
Chairperson: Karen Brogan

Secretary: Sinead Keenehan

Treasurer: Cathy Garavan

Registrar: Sabrina Kerins

Assistant Registrar: Sarah Keenehan

P.R.O.: Laura Gannon

Children’s Officer: Mary Duggan

Insurance Officer: Mary Duggan

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