Boyle GAA club news

The following were €20 winners at the most recent Club Lotto Draw which was held in Wynnes;- Mary and Cathal Magee, Bernard Shannon, Ernie Keenan, Tom Conroy, Eddie Creighton and Catherine Sheridan. The house prize was won by Marie McLoughlin. The next draw will be held in Mattimoes Bar on SUNDAY night next 28th December. Team C will be in charge.
The Club will hold its eagerly awaited Annual Quiz in St Joseph’s Hall on this Saturday 27th at 8.15pm. Please note the early start so that we can have an early finish and thus enable those who wish to continue their socialising elsewhere. Tony Conboy has been working for many months on a special set of questions and a great night’s entertainment is assured and prizes will be awarded to the top teams. This year, as an added extra, the annual Club awards will be announced and presented. These will include the Senior, Junior and U21 Players of the Year, the Club Person of the Year and the Hall of Fame award. The Ladies Player of the Year will also be announced and presented. All players (male and female) from the aforementioned panels are asked to make a special effort to attend as the winners will not be announced until the night. Admission is €10 and teams of four can be formed for the quiz competition on the night.
The Club wishes to acknowledge the following who presented prizes or made donations for the recent ”Who Wants to be a Thousandaire” event;-An Craoibhin, Arigna Mining Experience, Clarkes Bar, Councillor Eugene Murphy, Croke Park Hotel, Croke Park Museum, Funny Bones, Frank Feighan TD, Glancy’s Supervalu, Carrick on Shannon, Heith Heald Electrical, Kennedy Picture Framing, Tubbercurry, Keith Taylor Framing, Castlebaldwin, Logan Knott Menswear, O’Hara’s Bakery, Foxford, Pure Flowers, Boyle, The Moorings, Knockvicar, Vera Gaffney, Artist, Boyle, View Mount Restaurant, Longford and Visionary. Any additions or omissions will be acknowledged in due course.
The Club AGM has been rescheduled for 5pm on Saturday 3rd January in the Clubroom. All supporters, players and mentors are asked to make a note of this new date.
Heartiest congratulations are extended to our recently retired player Cian Smith and his fiancée Michelle Garvin on their recent engagement.