Boyle GAA club news

Our National Automation Limited U21s suffered a disappointing defeat to Clan na Gael in the Division 1 County Final in Enfield on Sunday. The performance doesn’t truly reflect the quality of this panel of players who had great performances en-route to the final. Congratulations to Clan on their success. Thanks to the lads for their commitment throughout the season and to Manager Aidan Lavin and his assistants. Thanks to Ciaran Phelan (National Automation Limited) for their ongoing sponsorship and for covering the meal for the panel after the final.
The Garda Cup final had to be postponed againon Saturday last-this time because of snow. No new date has been determined. Congratulations to Boyle native Seamus Sweeney on his elevation to the Chairmanship of Roscommon County Board GAA. We wish him and the incoming County Board every success.
Paul Keane and Matthey Tivnan were €20 winners at our most recent Club Lotto draw which was held in Creightons The house prize was won by Peter Perry. The jackpot wasn’t won and it will be at a new record of €10,400 for next Saturdaynight’s draw which will be held in Daly’s. Please have a look out for the new lotto ticket boxes where purchased ticket can be placed. These boxes are in situ in a number of businesses in Boyle.
Preparations are well advanced for our social event of the year–our annual Christmas Qui,z which will be held in St Joseph’s Hall on Sunday week 27th December. Tony is preparing an intriguing set of questions, so start putting your teams together.