Boyle Arts Festival Arts Trail information

If any artists are considering taking part in this year’s Art Trail by placing artwork in various shop windows around the town, or have already secured a vacant space and would like to be included in our Art Trail information sheet and map, please let us know by dropping an email to [email protected]
We are co-ordinating an Art Trail that will be incorporated into this year’s Festival.
There is an administration charge of €20 towards the printing and publication of the Art Trail brochure and all who subscribe will be included.
The Art Trail map will also be included on our website.
Closing date for inclusion – July 1st.
You can lodge directly to: Boyle Arts Festival – Account 63279424,
Sort Code: 90-53-28
IBAN: IE37 BOFI 9053 2863 2794 24, BIC: BOFIIE2
The Art Trail brochure will be published ahead of the Festival opening on July 20th.
We would encourage artists to keep their exhibitions small, thereby ensuring that available spaces can be maximised by as many artists as possible.
Please note: It is up to the artists to contact business owners for permission to exhibit in their window / space. It is the artist’s responsibility to hang / display and insure their art pieces.
Boyle Arts Festival is not responsible for the art in the Boyle Art Trail and / or sales.
In recent years, pop-up galleries and art trails have been incorporated into the town to utilise vacant premises and truly enliven a spirit of community and creativity.
Please contact [email protected] to be included in the ‘Boyle Art Trail’ by stating the artists name and location of exhibit.
Boyle Arts Festival 2023 will run from July 20th to 29th.
Please visit Email: [email protected]