
Boyle Age Friendly Business Iniative

The Age Friendly Business Programme is a locally run programme with input from Age Friendly Ireland.

It is anticipated that key partners at local level will be the Local Authority, the Town Team, Chamber of Commerce, Boyle Age Friendly Town and Roscommon Older People’s Council.

The programme is targeted at local businesses and aims to:

1. Promote economic development and job creation
2. Facilitate local businesses to further tap into an existing and growing market segment that accounts for 50% of consumer spending – the older customer
3. Recognise the efforts and improvements made by local businesses to provide more age friendly services and programmes
4. Enable the sharing and dissemination of ‘best practice’ nationwide

What do Businesses need to do….

There are four steps to which businesses need to commit in order to be recognised as an Age Friendly Business

1. Identify a member of staff to act as a champion for age-friendliness and older customers
2. The champion participates in the Age Friendly Business workshop, and starts to develop ideas
3. Ask your older customers what they like, what could be improved?
4. Develop actions and become recognised as an ‘Age Friendly Business’

Breata from Roscommon County Council social inclusion office, is proposing to run a training workshop in Boyle the week of March 20th either the Tuesday or Wednesday.

Please ring her on 0906637235 to discuss time, place and date.

There is no cost for this learning event which will take approximately 2 hours.

You can also contact her at [email protected]

Information is also available on

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