Boyle Hospice Shop set to reopen on June 9th

The Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation has advised that their twelve shops, including their Boyle shop will reopen on Tuesday June 9th.
The shops will reopen with all the necessary procedures and protections in place for customers, staff and volunteers. There are just some points to note:
🔴 We are asking people to write the date they are dropping off their donations on a label on the outside of the bags/boxes
🔴 We also accept items of clothing, bags, shoes, belts, towels and bedding for recycling but it needs to be in separate bags and clearly marked recycling
🔴 If you are donating items for recycling they need to be separated as follows: clothes in one bag; shoes, bags and belts in another and towels and bedding in another
🔴 We ask that donations are only dropped to shops during opening hours and not left outside when shops are closed
🔴 All donations are steamed before resale and always have been
🔴 Electrical items are not accepted