BAF Poetry Competition

We are delighted to announce the Boyle Arts Festival Poetry Competition for 2016.
Prizes: €250 first prize plus 2 x €50 highly commended
Closing Date June 30th
Shortlisted poems will be notified ahead of the awards which will be held on Saturday 30th July in King House, Boyle
Entry €5 per poem
Entry form must accompany poems.
Entrants may submit as many poems as they wish
The name of the entrant must not appear on the poem itself
Poems, in English must be the unpublished, original work of the author
Poems must be printed on one side of A4 paper, maximum length 40 lines
Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
Poems will not be returned.
Poems will be judged by Ross Donlon
Ross has published 7 collections of poetry and his poems have also appeared in journals in his native Australia, the United States and New Zealand as well as Ireland including Poetry Ireland and Crannog magazine.
Ross has travelled to Europe many times in the past five years, enjoying residencies in Norway and Romania, and reading in several other countries, both at festivals and as a feature reader. He was the inaugural judge of the Castlemaine Poetry Prize which has been running since 2011.
Entry form available by clicking here