BAF events for Monday 27th July

Events at Boyle Arts Festival today Monday 27th July
Fiona Gryson King House 1pm Adm €5
A Game Called Lucy Finally Wins Margaret’s Café 4pm Adm €8
Sean Boyne. Emmet Dalton King House 6pm Adm €6
Sean Rooney. Piano King House 8pm Adm €8
Colin Beggan. Bluegrass Mattimoe’s Bar 10pm Free
On going events
Boyle Open Art Exhibition Church of Ireland Parochial School 10am to 6pm daily.
Shifting Perspectives Rear of Herald Building
Open Studios Harrington Studios, King House 12 to 6pm.
Boyle Camera Club Boyle Library Library opening hours
A WoMaN Friend Family Life Centre 11am to 6pm