Autumn County Pleanary Meeting

Roscommon Public Participation Network invites all Community Groups in Co. Roscommon to the Autumn County Plenary Meeting in the Hodson Bay Hotel on Wednesday November 8th at 8pm
The Public Participation Network (PPN) is all about public participation in local government.
PPNs were established in every local authority area and are designed to accommodate the full and diverse range of volunteer led organisations in the county.
This Autumn Roscommon PPN are delighted to offer community groups in Roscommon a range of FREE training/information session. These sessions will cover a range of topics including Basic Computers, Social Media and Community Planning and will be offered locally in each Municipal District.
The County plenary is the key decision maker of the Public Participation Network (PPN) which consists of all groups registered with Roscommon PPN. Plenary meetings are an ideal Forum for member groups to meet and network and to hear about matters of interest to them. Mr. Eugene Cummins, Chief Executive Roscommon County Council will address the Plenary Meeting, Mr. Pat Murtagh SEO, Roscommon County Council will give a welcomed overview of 2018 funding schemes, a topic of great interest to community groups. The PPN are also delighted to welcome Mr. Ciaran Mullooly RTE Midlands Correspondent Journalist, Broadcaster & Author as a guest speaker on the night.
If you are registered with Roscommon PPN and would like to participate in the Plenary where you can have your say on the PPN’s priorities for the Community, Environment and Social Inclusion sectors, thinking about registering or would like to learn more about the PPN you are invited to the County Plenary Meeting on November 8th in the Hodson Bay Hotel at 8pm.