
August school preparation courses

Intensive preparation courses for the 2018 new sceondary school year will take place this August.

Locataion is Radharc na Sleibhte, Knockvicar, Boyle F52 AK57

Courses as follows:

Date Year Time Content
13th August 6th class1 30 – 4 30Course prepares  6th class students with the skills needed for  second level Irish and English .
14th August First and second years 1 30 –  4 30 Course prepares students with the skills needed   to achieve potential in Irish and English JC exam.
16th AugustJunior Cert  Irish 1 30 – 4 30 Intensive Preparation
17th AugustJunior Cert English 1 30 – 4 30 Intensive Preparation
20 AugustLeaving Cert English H1 30 – 5 00Intensive Preparation
21 AugustLeaving Cert Irish  H1 30 – 5 00Intensive Preparation
22 AugustLeaving Cert Hist.  H1 30 – 5 00Intensive Preparation
23 AugustLeaving Cert  Oral Irish Course 1 30 – 5 00 Intensive Preparation


For further information on any of the above courses please text or ring Máire on 0863292488.


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