Boyle Arts Festival
‘At the Abbey’ to take place in Boyle Abbey

Roscommon County Council Arts Office in association with Boyle Arts Festival, the OPW and Heritage Week 2021 will host “At the Abbey” on Saturday 14th August.
‘At the Abbey’ includes dance, music, film, projections and lighting effects event, live from Boyle Abbey.
The event is funded by the Local Live Performance Programming Scheme at the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
A second event “At the Castle” will take place at Loughnaneane Park, Roscommon Town, on Culture Night Friday 17th September.
Tickets are free but booking is essential for the live show at 9.30pm via
Booking opens Wednesday 11th August at Noon.
The projections can be viewed from 10pm until 11.30pm without booking.