
Commercial vacancy rate remains static in Boyle

The commercial vacancy rate in Boyle has remained relatively static year on year.

That’s according to the latest report from which shows Boyle had a commercial vacancy rate of 27.7% for Q2 2024. The rate for Q2 2023 was 27.6% .

Boyle and Roscommon town were the only two areas in the county covered in the report.

Roscommon town has a vacancy rate of 21%

Boyle’s 0.1% increase is one of the lowest increases in the country. Mountmellick increased 3.9% year on year while Ballybofey increased 3.7% and Newcastle West 3.3%

While the vacancy rate in Boyle did not increase by much, the town is recorded in the report as having the highest vacancy rate in Connacht.

The report also shows that of the commercial addresses surveyed in Boyle, 46.6% are classed as service, 29.4% retail and wholesale, 9.8% health, 1.8% industry, 2.5% construction, 2.5% education, 4.9% public admin, 2.5% financial.

GeoDirectory was jointly established by An Post and Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) to create and manage Ireland’s only complete database of commercial and residential buildings. The figures are recorded through a combination of the An Post network of 5,600 delivery staff working with OSi.

The GeoDirectory database is used by many different companies and organisations across a diverse range of applications, including the emergency services, utility companies, banking and insurance providers, and all local authorities.

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