The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 05/07/’24

Illegal parking in Boyle is only getting worse

On Monday last we published a photograph of a car illegally parked on Shop Street. The photograph is one of a number sent to us in recent times, of cars illegally parked on the new wide footpaths outside King House (to use the ATM), An Rioga, The Rockingham Arms and  Conroy’s on the Corner. When we published the photograph, one viewer commented negatively on “the traffic cones blocking off spaces on both sides of shop street and at and the entrance to the royal car park” but motorists should note that these cones are there because work is not fully completed on the public realm scheme and also to stop what is happening ever single day – vehicles parking illegally on the paths. There are plenty of free places to park in An Rioga car park, Green Street car park and on the Crescent if people are finding it hard to park on street.
In a further example of the way parking is abused in Boyle, a passenger was observed over the weekend moving the cones outside An Rioga so their driver could park on the footpath while another was seen doing the same thing outside the Rockingham Arms. Apart from being illegal, this is blatantly cheeky. It’s a bit like those who cut short on the roundabout at the Shilling Hill. What gives any motorist the right to do this or to move cones to park illegally on a footpath blocking the path for pedestrians, those with buggies and those with a impaired mobility?


Night and Day was a tremendous success

There was unanimous agreement from all in attendance, that this year’s Night and Day Festival was a tremendous success. From the family friendly atmosphere, to the line up of acts and the fact that the sun made an appearance all went to make the weekend an enjoyable one, right on our doorsteps. The price of food and drink came in for some criticism from day visitors, but if you were camping or caravanning, you most likely had your own supplies. There were many high profile people in attendance and as they were not in their “day clothes” you may have not seen them, but by far the highest profile person in attendance was obvious by he entourage. An Taoiseach Simon Harris paid the festival a visit on Saturday as he was returning from the late Tommy Gorman’s funeral in Sligo and mingled with the crowd for a number of hours which was very well received by all who had the opportunity to meet him.
Well done to the organisers of the event and all those locally who promoted and supported the Festival. Tickets are already on sale for the 2025 event with the “luxury campervan pitches” and “super early bird” tickets selling out in just over four hours!


Voluntary effort is keeping Boyle clean and tidy

Last week we mentioned here that Nordson Medical staff would descend on the town to undertake what the company refer to as a ‘community impact event’.  On Friday, the 150 strong staff members did just that and in the process power washed, landscaped, painted and weeded around the homes of the Brothers of Charity service users and day centre, undertook a general clean up and painting of the grounds around Boyle Family Resource Centre, painted railings, weeded and cleaned the Pleasure Grounds, painted the railings, poles and bins on the Crescent, weeded the flower beds on the Shilling Hill and sanded and painted the public benches in the Abbey Park.
What would we do without the likes of Nordson staff and Tidy Towns volunteers who turn out many times per week to keep our town looking so well? Once upon a time the local authority undertook this work but it would seem not anymore. Pressure needs to be kept on Roscommon Co Co, especially from rate payers, to increase the frequency of grass cutting and litter control in Boyle along with cutting grass verges. Soon people will not be able to walk on the Carrick Road just before Maple Drive as grass and hedging is now taking over nearly half the footpath which is not acceptable.
While on the subject of improving the appearance of Boyle, you can assist by donating to the Tidy Town GoFundMe page here with all funds used to landscape and keep your town clean and tidy.


“If you keep doing the same thing, you end up getting the same results”

There was near unanimous welcome for the JTF funding announced recently for the planning stage of the Lough Key Masterplan. But there were some people who did not welcome the news and posted comments online like: “Ah please, just leave it as it is” and “why don’t you just leave it as a nice park?”
The Lough Key Masterplan will most certainly leave the Park as a “nice park” and even better than it is now. The old saying “If you keep doing the same thing, you end up getting the same results” comes to mind. If Lough Key Forest Park and Boyle is to prosper once again, we need to come up with new ideas to get new results and that is exactly what the Masterplan is doing. Public consultation will also form part of the process through which the public will have a say in how the Park develops. We have to keep planning and developing and coming up with new ideas for the Forest Park (and Boyle) or we will remain stagnant and continue to “get the same results”.


Public Consultation on N4 upgrade

Boyle motorists who travel regularly to Dublin will be delighted to know that Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) have identified the emerging preferred route for the N4 upgrade from Mullingar to Rooskey. The new route will replace the 52km section of the N4 (presently a single carriageway road that passes through or close to Ballinalack, Rathowen, Edgeworthstown, Longford and Newtownforbes). Members of the public can engage with the public consultation on the new route online via a virtual consultation portal (
The dedicated project website will include a virtual consultation room and interactive mapping to allow users to examine the proposals in further detail. This virtual consultation room is now live and will be accessible throughout the consultation period which ends on August 16th.


News snippets from around Boyle

The new Chairman of the Boyle Municipal Authority is Independent Councillor Tom Crosby. The Tarmonbarry based Councillor succeeds Councillor Liam Callaghan in the role. The new Leas Cathaoirleach will be newly elected Fianna Fail Councillor Sean Moylan from Tulsk. Both were elected to their respect positions at the annual meeting of the Boyle Municipal Authority last week…………..Lunchtime tunes today Friday July 5th from 1-1.30pm with Donal O’Connor in the Boyle Craft Shop in the grounds of King House………..The deadline for this year’s Garda Youth Awards is today Friday at 5pm. The Awards celebrate outstanding young people between the ages of 13 and 21 years and nominations can be made under the following categories – Individual, Group, Special Achievement Award & Community Safety Award. Forms may also be requested from [email protected] or downloaded on the Garda website. They can then be emailed to [email protected] or dropped into the Community Policing Unit, Boyle Garda Station……….It’s great to see the residents of Church View, Marian Road and Hanly Avenue joining in the ongoing improvement work around Boyle with hanging baskets and new planting recently put in place in their general area………Well done to The Bazaar Coffee Shop in Boyle who are now open for evening meals on Friday and Saturday until 9pm. You can reserve your table on 0892444187………Boyle Summer Show annual church gate collection will take place this Saturday evening and Sunday. The Show itself  takes place on Sunday August 11th……….Uniform Swap at Boyle Family Resource Centre. Please drop off any old uniforms, including skirts, trousers, jumpers, ties, shirts, tracksuits, that are in good condition on Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th and feel free to call in and get school wear in the Centre from July 15th-17th………..It’s great to see the Una Bhan Craft Shop in the grounds of King House opening this and every Sunday in July and August from 10am-3pm………Three Doon Shore Swimmers – Emer, Aine and Anne are taking on the ’14 Swims in July’ challenge in support of Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (AADI). You can support their fundraising here……….On a point of information, ‘News snippets from around Boyle’ does not publish gossip or rumour – only fact – and while we appreciate viewers sending us on information for inclusion, we will only publish same when it is proven to be factually correct.


And finally…!

One day a farmer decided that he wanted to expand his chicken farm.
In order to do this he needed a stud rooster.
He asked around his fellow farmers and the general consensus was that the best rooster was from a far away town. His name was Randy.
The farmer went to this far away town and met with Randy’s owner.
The owner confirmed that Randy was indeed the best, but would come at an expensive price.
After much deliberation, the farmer decided to invest in Randy.
When the farmer got home, he sat down with Randy and explained what he needed and told him that while he expected Randy to perform, he also expected Randy to pace himself.
The farmer released Randy in the hen house and Randy went wild.
Feathers where flying and Randy was servicing every hen in the house.
The farmer reiterated to Randy the necessity of pace.
The next day, Randy not only went flying through the hen house, but also went after the dog, the cat, the sheep, a fox and several other accessible animals.
The farmer was outraged. “Randy” he said, “You can’t possibly last at this pace.” “Slow down, I need you for a long time.”
Well, the next day, the inevitable seemed to happen.
Randy was lying in the field looking like death was soon coming.
Buzzards were circling around and slowly getting closer.
The farmer watched his dying investment and then went up to Randy and said “How could you? I asked you to pace yourself and now you’re a spent force.”
Slowly, Randy opened one eye and pointed to the sky saying “Shh… they’re getting closer.”

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