Gardai issue Holiday Weekend road safety appeal

This weekend is a new bank holiday weekend introduced by the Government in recognition of the public’s response and solidarity with each other during the Covid-19 pandemic. Bank Holidays are a time to relax and enjoy with families, relatives and friends; they are also period when traffic volumes increase on roads across the country.
For whatever reason you may be using the roads this weekend, whatever your mode of transport may be, An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) appeal to all road users to continue to demonstrate that public solidarity and ‘Stay Safe’ this St Brigid’s Bank Holiday Weekend.
An Garda Síochána and the RSA continue to remind vehicle drivers and motorcyclists of the 4 key lifesaver offences and to drive responsibly.
• Driving under the influence
• Speed
• Non wearing of Seat Belts
• Mobile Phone use
An Garda Síochána appeal to all road users, including drivers, pedestrians, pedal cyclists, to also use the roads responsibly, particularly on rural roads, where the majority of fatal collisions are taking place. In particular, road users are asked to be seen. Drivers are urged to drive with dipped headlights during the day, especially if they do not have Daytime Running Lights. Pedestrians are advised to wear high visibility at night on roads without public lighting and footpaths. Cyclists should wear safety helmets and ensure they have a white light to the front and red light to the back so they are visible to pedestrians and drivers.
Assistant Commissioner, Paula Hilman, Roads Policing, An Garda Síochána, said:
“In this first St Brigid’s Bank Holiday weekend I am appealing to all roads users to look out for one another on the road. Bank Holiday Weekends are a very busy time on the roads and our experience is that the risk of fatal and serious injury collisions increases during these periods. This year to date there have been 20 fatalities on the roads. We are asking everyone to work together in keeping our roads safe”.
“Similarly to other bank holidays this weekend we will be focusing on the four lifesaver offences; driving under the influence, speeding, non-wearing of seatbelts and mobile phone use. An Garda Síochána will engage with the public and work with our partners to keep people safe on our roads, this bank holiday weekend”.
“During the hours of darkness, please ensure that you are clearly visible to other road users. 60% of Fatalities to date this year has been drivers, therefore I would ask all drivers to reduce their speed and arrive safely to their destination this weekend. Finally, I want to wish you all a safe and enjoyable St Brigid’s Weekend”.