Lotto Results
The Online Lotto was drawn on Sunday December 15th for €11,800. The numbers drawn were 1,11, 17 & 23. The match 3 was won by Padraig Leydon and Padraig Langan. The jackpot now stands at €11,900 and will be drawn at our Special Christmas Draw on Saturday December 21st in Wynne’s Bar.
Save The Date
This years Annual Table Quiz will take place on Saturday 28th December 2024 in St Joseph’s Hall at 7:30pm. This is a great opportunity to meet up with those who are back home in Boyle for Christmas and a fun night is always guaranteed.
On the Pitch
Commiserations to our u20 team who bowed out at the semi final stage losing out to an impressive Roscommon Gaels side in Enfield on Sunday. Thanks to all the players and management who gave their all throughout the campaign. The club would also like to wish a speedy recovery to Daire McDonald who missed out on Sunday’s game.