Still time to register now for National Spring Clean

It’s still not too late to take part in the annual National Spring Clean.
Since April 12th, two household groups can meet together to take part in a clean-up, within their own county or 20km from their residence if crossing county lines.
If you would like to organise a clean up in your area, please contact the Environment Section of Roscommon County Council for gloves, bags etc. to assist you in taking part in the National Spring Clean.
You may make contact by calling 090 6637260 or email [email protected].
National Spring Clean is Ireland’s nationwide anti-litter campaign which takes place during the whole month of April.
In 2020, 5,513 groups registered to carry out clean-ups throughout the country – Over 500,000 volunteers have participated in the Spring Clean 2020 and collected an estimated 2,900 tonnes of litter.