The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 15/1/’21

Parking and dog problems in Rockingham

Last weekend this website was sent photographs of cars parked inside the second gate of Rockingham, at the crossing of the cyclepath. This is an issue we have raised here in the Boyle’d Pot on many occasions, mainly as the cars are blocking access for emergency vehicles. But on this occasion our attention was drawn to the fact that the vehicles were blocking access for farmers to land further down the path.
We also received photographs just after Christmas of a white car parked “every day” right under the ‘No Parking’ sign at the start of the cyclepath. All this indiscriminate parking is concerning and will most likely continue until some form of deterrent is put in place (ie plastic poles or bollards) or until some one is fined. The owners of vehicles that are park illegally or are causing an obstruction should take note of what happened in the Wicklow mountains last week when An Garda Siochana issued in excess of 50 Fixed Charge Notices (FCNs) for illegal parking and dangerous parking near amenities in the area. This was in addition to towing a number of vehicles, which obstructed emergency vehicle access.
Another item we have been asked to raise once again is the number of dogs running off leash in the Park. One viewer told us that they ceased going out to the Park over the Christmas break following a terrifying experience with a dog running at them uncontrolled. Others have also told us of similar experiences on the cyclepath at the Marina. Unfortunately, many dog owners fail to understand the fear some people have of seeing a dog run at them – be it for fun or otherwise. So please keep your dog on a lead when in the park or on the cyclepath and also, please be considerate of others when you choose where to park your car.


A time to remain positive and look to the future

There is now a noticeable lengthening of the evenings with day light lasting up to around 5pm. Although the morning’s are still dark, they are also getting longer and by the end of January you will notice a big difference. In the garden, young blackbirds are already coming into song and they can be heard after first light or just before darkness falls. The nesting season will soon commence and in a few weeks gardens all over the country will be loud with the sounds of our feathered friends along with the sight of snowdrops and daffodils. Right now we need to focus on the positive things all around us, and remember – the vaccine is here with more on the way, the days are getting longer and spring is just around the corner, bringing better days ahead.


Boyle connection to ‘beardgate’ story

An alleged disagreement between Castlerea Prison Management and the Deacon assigned to the prison – Seamus Talbot – was reported on a national newspaper and various media websites earlier this week. The story revolves around Deacon Talbot’s beard and an allegation that prison officials have said that anybody accessing the prison must be clean-shaven. It is reported that this order was issued as part of a health and safety review around prison conditions during the pandemic. The report added “Deacon Talbot, who is a part-time chaplain, refused to shave his beard, which he is understood to have worn for decades. As a result the governor declared that he would not be allowed entry to the facility”. Ordained to the Elphin Parish in 2012, Seamus is a well known and respected visitor to Boyle, being married to the former Teresa Nerney, from Mockmoyne – daughter of the late footballing great John Joe Nerney.


Traffic Watch

There has been a noticeable reduction in vehicular movement in this area since the Level 5 lockdown came fully into place. If you drive through Boyle town centre any day, it is like every other similar size town around Ireland – empty, with the exception of those who are out to buy food in the various supermarkets. But there is still movement on the main roads like the N4, albeit at a reduced level. The TII traffic counter at Usna between Boyle and Carrick showed that last Friday (8th), 5,291 vehicles travelled on the road in a 24 hour period. A month previously (December 11th) 7,938 went past the measuring spot and on the same day last year (January 10th 2020) 8,409 vehicles used the road.


And finally…..!

On hearing that her elderly grandfather has just passed away, Katie goes straight to her grandparents’ house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her.
When she asks how her grandfather has died, her grandmother replies, “He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning.”
Horrified, Katie tells her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex will surely be asking for trouble.
“Oh no, my dear. Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was nice, slow, and even. Nothing too strenuous, we just did it to the rhythm of the bell.”
She pauses, wipes away a tear and then continues, “And if that damned ice cream van hadn’t come along, he’d still be alive today!”

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