The Boyle’d Pot 8/11/’19

No Christmas lights begging in Boyle
Nice and quietly over the last few weeks a group of local volunteers have erected the Christmas lights in the town. In fact, unless you were in Boyle during the evening/night time, or had looked skywards during the day, you would never know that the lights had been erected.
Around this time every year, towns and villages all over Ireland have the unenviable task of fundraising for Christmas lights. This normally takes the form of knocking door to door with the begging bowl in hand. Not so here in Boyle where the lights are funded every year through a draw assisted by various fundraising events organised by the hard working lights committee. Well done to all the volunteers who have ensured Boyle is festively lit again this Christmas. To show your support, please purchase lines in the Christmas Draw for which cards are currently available in most premises in town.
Overwhelming yes to Termon Lands transfer
On a night best suited to sitting in front of the fire, over 300 people filed into St. Joseph’s Hall last Friday night for a public meeting to seek the views of the people for a proposal to transfer the Termon Lands to a community group. Contrary to reports in a local newspaper, the meeting was not organised by Boyle Community Sports association but by the Termon Land Trustees. Everyone in attendance got a chance to speak and following lengthy discussion there were only 6 people against the proposal. Unfortunately the matter did not conclude at the end of the meeting with some Trustees being the subject of strong verbal abuse from one individual as the attendees left the Hall.
It was pointed out to the meeting that Boyle is a different place now than 1903 when the Trust document was first set up, and that the lands are for use of ALL the people of Boyle. With grazing still to be available on the lands along with hopefully a fine sports centre, amenities and park area, access will be open to everyone unlike at present where the lands are fenced off for the grazing of a few horses.
Putting Boyle on the destination map
It is reported that there is great interest in the upcoming Christmas Dinner night in Frybrook House. Tickets are not cheap at €135 but no profit is to be made from the night and all money collected will go into the event. The evening will be an opportunity to showcase Boyle on a national and local level through the ‘Taste the Island’ initiative. Both the Drumanilra Farm dinner evening and the Frybrook evening will go to show that Boyle, through the good offices of Una Bhan Tourism, is making a big effort to established itself as a sustainable rural destination. Indeed, it has been said that both Boyle events are among of the most exciting ones under the Taste the Island initiative nationally. Everyone in Boyle looks forward to seeing Frybrook House come back to life once again for this one night before opening as town centre accommodation.
A busy weekend in Boyle
There is a lot happening in and around Boyle this weekend as can be seen from the various events and news stories on Corrib Oil official opening, parkrun, Hurling Quiz night, Soccer and GAA lotto’s, Courtyard Market, Service of Remembrance, Graveyard Rosary, Ardcarne Christmas shop opening and Diocesan Pastoral day to name but a few. The annual Pastoral Development and Renewal Gathering on Saturday usually brings a large crowd to the town and this year should be no different. It will be held in St Joseph’s Hall from 9.30pm to 4.15pm
You can view the Youtube video for the day here
Thuggery along N4 roadworks
Motorists travelling to and from Sligo on the N4 are now accustomed to the various road blocks as part of the upgrade of this important part of infrastructure. But a new road block that happened last week was not of the making of the contractors on site but of vandals and thugs. Road marking cones were taken from the side of the road near Castlebaldwin and placed across the carriageway, causing a three car accident. While the accident was not that serious it most certainly could have been. Motorists need to take care when travelling to and from Sligo with the current roadworks and be mindful that the 60kph speed restriction that is in place on some sections of the road is closely monitored by An Garda Siochana, not just during working hours but also at night and weekends!
And finally….!
A thoughtful Cavan husband was putting his coat and hat on to make his way down to the local pub.
He turned to his wife before leaving and said, “Mary – put your hat and coat on, like a good woman.”
She replied, “Awe, Paddy that’s nice of you – are you taking me to the pub with you?
“Nope” replied Paddy … “I’m turning the heat off while I’m out.”