Digital skills course in Boyle
Would you like to learn about how to use your computer and mobile phone. The course covers emailing, browsing the internet, paying bills online, downloading apps to your mobile phone and much more (or know someone else who would)?
Digital Skills Courses take place in Boyle Library. The courses are FREE and are for a total of ten hours (2.5hrs x 4 classes).
Evening course starts on Tuesday Aug 6th (and continues on Thurs 8th, Tues 13th and Thurs 15th) from 5.15pm to 7.45pm
Afternoon course starts on Wednesday 7th (and continues on Friday 9th, Wed 14th and Fri 16th) from 2.15pm to 4.45pm
We still have one or two spaces available if you would like to join us.
Please contact Nigel in Una Bhan Tourism on 071 966 3033