Boyle golf club news
RESULTS – A 2 person Scramble was played over the weekend of the 30th and 31st March and the winners were Terry Canning and Ross Andrew with 61.6 nett, second place went to Patrick Egan and Lorcan Egan with 62.8 and third were Vincent Egan and Adrian King with 63. Ross has had a good fortnight on the golfing front having come first last week also. No doubt he will be hoping his “streak” continues until the “Voucher” competition at the end of April, when a years free membership will be on offer to the winner. Only paid-up members will be eligible to win, so don’t miss out and get your subs in before the weekend of Sunday the 28th.
FIXTURES – The big event for the month of April is of course the “Voucher” competition mentioned above on Sunday the 28th. This weeks sees the first of the mens’ Thursday competitions. This a very social format, with most men teeing off after 5pm. There are usually less formal arrangements than for the Sunday competitions with many players just showing up between 5.30 and 6 and teeing off with whoever else is available at the time. Feel free also to use our WhatsApp group if you would prefer to have a partner arranged in advance. First prize in the Thursday night competition is sponsored by a different member every week with a list on the noticeboard in the clubhouse for those wishing to contribute.
The mens’ competition for next Sunday the 7th of April is an 18 hole stableford and is the first one of the year with “Golfer of the Year” ranking points up for grabs.
GET INTO GOLF” LADIES PROGRAMME – A Ladies’ Beginner Golf Programme is starting on April 10th for 8 weeks, cost €50. This is a wonderful opportunity for any lady who would like to try golf, or return to it after a period away, to get a taste of what it’s all about. It includes 4 lessons with a pro and opportunities to play and socialise with current members of the golf club. Equipment will be provided. Introduction evening on Wed April 3rd at 7pm. All are welcome and please bring a friend! For further information contact Aisling at 087 2029064, or the golf club facebook page boylegolfclub.