Boyle Golf Club weekly news

RESULTS – An 18 hole Gents Stableford was held on Sunday the 18th of March , results to follow.
COMPETITIONS – Next Sunday, the 25th, sees the Boyle round of the Holmpatrick Cup for the Gents. This is played as a Fourball Betterball, with the winners proceeding to playing against all the other winners in Co Roscommon, and then to provincial level if successful. The winners in each of the 4 provinces get to play the final in St Andrews, Scotland. The Holmpatrick is a fundraiser for the National Council for the Blind, and marks its 85th year in 2018.
We are hosting a club fundraiser over the Easter weekend which will be played as an 18 hole Fourball Shambles. Members are asked to support this competition to help raise money for the works we hope to carry out during the year
OUTING- If there are people interested in playing in the club outing on the 14th April to St Margaret’s, we would ask them to put their names down, the trip will be cancelled if there is insufficient interest
COMPETITIONS – The mens’ weekly Thursday competitions will be starting again in a few weeks. This has been a very popular competition over the years, usually taking the format of 9 hole competition for its first few weeks in April and early May, then lengthening to a 12 hole as the evenings get longer. It is a welcome sign of the approach of summer when we see a crowd waiting around the first tee-box at 6 o’clock on a Thursday evening. A list for sponsoring the men’s weekly Thursday night competitions is on the noticeboard in the clubhouse. The club asks all men who play in this on a regular basis to consider putting their name down to sponsor one.