Information evening to celebrate World Heart Day

To celebrate World Heart Day a free information evening will be hosted by the Irish Heart Foundation and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Service, Roscommon University Hospital in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon Town on Thursday September 5th 2024. Registration commences at 5:45pm with a 6pm start.
The aim of this information evening is to support and encourage those who previously had a cardiac event such as a heart attack, by-pass surgery, has stents and taken part in cardiac rehabilitation in the past.
A focus will be on the practical steps needed to maintain better choices for continued heart health and reduce the risk of future cardiac event.
Expert speakers include Dr John Keaney, Consultant Cardiologist, Mater University Hospital, Jacqueline O’Connor Community Dietitian, Kathleen Kiernan Pharmacy Executive Manager, Deirdre O’Reilly Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse and Tracy Egan , Nurse Line and Heart Conditions Manager, Irish Heart Foundation.
To register – email: [email protected] or phone 0906632114