The Boyle’d Pot 26/8/’16

Well done to Boyle Show organisers
One had to feel sorry for the organisers of last week’s Boyle Summer Show. Having made the tough decision to cancel the 2015 event due to the incessant rain, the organisers must have thought a similar scenario awaited them as they looked out Saturday evening as the skies opened. But Sunday morning was a different story and while the ground was wet, the sun shone – for a few hours anyway. Those who ventured out to the Warren had an enjoyable Sunday afternoon as conversations turned to what could have been if the sun shone all day and the temperatures were a bit higher. Many also reminisced on the Show days of old in the Abbey Park. With perseverance by the organisers, better weather and continuing support from the community, the glory days of the Boyle Show’s of the 70’s and 80’s can once again become a reality over the coming years in Boyle.
Boyle has plenty of office space too
Senator Frank Feighan’s comments during the week that the European Medicines Agency should relocate from London to Carrick on Shannon caused a few raised eyebrows around the politician’s home town of Boyle. In a press release, Senator Feighan suggested that Carrick had “plenty of office space in the town”. This has led to many wondering why Boyle was not put forward as an option, considering all the office space we have available. In defence of the Senator, he did say ” some of the activity (of the EMA) could be located in Carrick because there is plenty of office space in the town and other local towns in the region”. One could assume then that Boyle was covered in the “other local towns” part of his statement. Frank Feighan is a good guy who has his home town and his county at heart. He knows only too well how Boyle has suffered economically and what a department like the European Medicines Agency would do for the town’s rejuvenation. Hopefully Boyle will be up there at the top of the “other local towns” Frank mentions.
Joy and sadness for two families with Boyle links
During the week, the names of two people came on our screens that would probably mean nothing to many in Boyle except those of an older generation. And the circumstances surrounding the occasion for remembering both were totally different. The first was this year’s Rose of Tralee judge and 1980 Rose winner Sheila Lawlor. Sheila is the former Sheila O’Hanrahan whose father Dr Jock O’Hanrahan was the former County Surgeon in Roscommon. Dr O’Hanrahan was also a partner in the Roscommon Herald newspaper in Boyle in the early sixties with Paddy Nerney and C.E Callan. Indeed in September 1980, Sheila visited Boyle on her way back from Tralee following her win in the Rose of Tralee contest. Sheila’s brother Tim O’Hanrahan is known to many as an eminent surgeon in Sligo University Hospital. The other Boyle linked name was mentioned in more sombre circumstances and involved the death of a young person. Eoin Lafferty died in Barcelona on August 13th following a traffic accident. Eoin was grandson of Patsy Fearon, the former Patsy Lynch from the Woodenbridge in Boyle and was son of Patricia Lafferty (nee Fearon). The Fearon family were well known regular visitor to Boyle in the 70’s and 80’s and were part of the lives of many in Boyle, who extend sympathy to the family on their tragic loss.
Bike hire looks set to be a winner
If viewer reaction is anything to go by, then David Gunning’s Bike Hire business in the grounds of King House is set to become a winner. This website posted an exclusive story on the new venture on Tuesday morning and by Thursday the story had reached over 10,500 on our Facebook page and had over 3,527 views on website! It probably is getting a little late in the season for bike hire but starting at this time of the year gives breathing space to get any teeting problems fine tuned for the 2017 season, which by all accounts looks like it will be a booming year for the affable David. You can book your bike hire or guided cycling tour on 086 858 6225 or by emailing [email protected]
Thank you for voting for the Boyle’d Pot
A big thank you to the many viewers of this blog who took the time to vote for The Boyle’d Pot in the Blog Ireland awards. We were overwhelmed with the many emails, cards and messages from viewers who wished us good luck and sent kind words on all the work we do here on and told us how they look forward to The Boyle’d Pot every Friday. It is heartening to know so many people enjoy logging onto this website each day. 20% of the vote in the awards will have come through the voting process. The remaining 80% will come from the judging panel with the winner being announced on September 15th.
And finally…..!
A kid comes home from school with a writing assignment. He asks his father for help. “Dad, can you tell me the difference between potential and reality?”
His father looks up, thoughtfully, and then says, “I’ll demonstrate. Go ask your mother if she would sleep with George Clooney for a million euros. Then go ask your sister if she would sleep with Zac Efron for a million euros. Then come back and tell me what you’ve learned.”
The kid is puzzled, but decides to ask his mother. “Mum, if someone gave you a million euros, would you sleep with George Clooney?”
“Don’t tell your father, but yes, I would,” she replies.
He then goes to his sister’s room. “Sis, if someone gave you a million euros, would you sleep with Zac Efron?”
She replies, “Omigod! Definitely!”
The kid goes back to his father. “Dad, I think I’ve figured it out. Potentially, we are sitting on two million quid, but in reality, we are living with two very loose women.”