Weekly Blogs

Gardening Tips and Advice

Welcome to “Gardening Tips and Advice” on Boyletoday.com, the official Ardcarne Garden Centre gardening column. Every Wednesday, the experts in your local Ardcarne Garden Centre will provide relevant and topical items of interest here on Boyletoday.com to help you get the best from your garden.

Great To Do Now….


* Sow sweet pea seeds direct into a sunny spot in free draining soil. You can also plant out young sweet pea plants

* Start spraying roses against blackspot as soon as the leaves emerge

Fruit & Vegetables

* Pop cloches over a couple of strawberry rows for extra early fruits

* Plant maincrop potatoes 10cm below the soil’s surface rose ned upwards


* Sow greenhouse crops such as tomatoes, aubergines and peppers in a propagator

* Prick out and pot up seedlings before they get root bound and leggy

* Plant up hanging baskets with colourful mixed bedding but keep under cover for now.

Around the garden…..

* Continue to water newly planted trees and shrubs if the weather is dry

* Plant evergreen trees and shrubs in rich free draining soil

Focus on… Herbs

Having your own generous supply of fresh herbs from the garden is immensely satisfying and most are very easy to grow. In fact, the most popular herbs are perennial, returning every year, and will provide as much as you can pick throughout the season, lending their rich flavours to your food.

Mediterranean herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage and lavender prefer a hot, dry spot, but there are plenty of other herbs like parsley, mint and fennel which grow anywhere so don’t worry if your garden isn’t a sun trap. Don’t forget to sow a few annual herbs, too, such as coriander and basil and keep them on the windowsill for using in summer salads.

For more information contact:

Ardcarne Garden Centre
Boyle, Tel: 07196 67091
Roscommon Town: Tel: 09066 27700

Email: [email protected]


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