The Boyle’d Pot 11/6/’21

An increase in sea gulls around Boyle
If you haven’t seen them, you most likely have heard them. Viewers have asked us have we noticed an increase in the number of sea gulls around Boyle in recent times? According to Niall Hatch, the development officer at BirdWatch Ireland, “it is hard to know exactly what is going on with the gulls. The thing to bear in mind is that there are several species of gull – and it’s quite normal for some to move inland”. Others will say the gulls move inland during the summer months due to the increase in silage making and the feeding opportunities that exist on the freshly cut ground.
Let’s hope the Boyle gulls are not as vicious as their counterparts in some seaside resorts where there have been reports of sandwiches been taken out of tourists hands, or maybe it’s a sign that the election promise made many years ago by our good friend, Corrigeenroe native and former Mayor of Boyle Bill Corcoran that he would “Turn Boyle into a seaport” is coming true!!
Summer Sunday opening now a requirement in Boyle
Lough Key Forest Park was, thankfully, very busy last weekend. The warm weather and the reopening of the country meant that families travelled out of the larger areas of population to the countryside, including the ‘Park. Boyle was understandably quiet on Sunday as there were very few places open in town for the Park visitors due to restrictions not being eased in relation to outdoor dining until Monday last. The cafes and food outlets that were open for takeaway in Boyle over the weekend and particularly Sunday and Monday did a roaring trade which was good to see and reinforces the need for Sunday (and Monday) opening of our food outlets throughout the summer. Indeed one would assume that ‘customer starved’ retail outlets here in Boyle must also be considering Summer Sunday opening now that the pandemic is easing…..
The Royal will take it’s place a major building of importance
Construction has now moved to the front of the Royal building as work progresses on it’s redevelopment and with it has come the reality that the eyesore that was the former Royal Hotel is now being transformed. It was always going to be the case that once the public saw the hard hats and hi vis jackets that then, and only then, would they believe that the redevelopment had commenced. As most people know, the Covid restrictions held up the Royal plans but it’s full steam ahead now and in a year or so, the Royal building will be take it’s rightful place as a major building of importance in the town centre. What a shame though that there are still some online trolls being facilitated locally who keep putting out uninformed and incorrect messages about the building.
It must also be remembered that the buildings future use has been well thought out and was not arrived at overnight. The building was there for sale for a long number of years and if a potential hotelier, or some of those who are consistently shouting ‘Boyle needs a hotel’, left the safety of their keyboard and stepped up to the mark and did what the Council did – put their money where their mouth is – then they would see why a hotel would not work on this site and that what is being developed is the next best alternative for such a historic building.
And remember folks – just because you read something about the Royal on Facebook does not mean it is true!
For the record: Refurbishment works are taking place to the original main structure (internal and external) with plans to turn it into an Enterprise Centre and Exhibition Space. The works will include; roof repairs, replacement of windows, repairs/painting of the interior/exterior walls, replacement of floors, removal of exterior window shutters, installation of a lift within the original building and installation of heating/electrical equipment · Construction of a River Side Promenade with lighting, seating and landscaping · Construction of a new Civic Space with bandstand, lighting, seating and landscaping to the rear of the original main structure to include all other associated site and ancillary works.
Planned power outage is causing concern
The planned power outage in parts of Boyle next Tuesday (see news section on is causing concern for many, especially businesses who are trying to get back on their feet after being closed for so long. It is also of concern for many offices who may have to close for the day and loose a days productivity. Consumers are also wondering why there has to be an interruption during peak hours, why can it not take place during the evening or on a Sunday and why could this not have been done as an essential piece of work during the restriction period.
Is Boyle prepared for outdoor dining?
Outdoor dining is now the ‘in thing’ nationwide, but are we prepared for it here in Boyle and has enough been done during the restriction period to have our public spaces ready for same? Some pubs have opened ‘beer gardens’, and cafes and restaurants have developed outdoor areas, but one wonders could more have been done to faciliate outdoor dining in the public areas in Boyle or does the layout of the footpaths in the town hinder the placing of chairs and tables outside premises for the consumption of food or having a drink? (Indeed the extending of the footpaths around the Crescent, that would have facilitated outdoor dining, was on the cards in the proposed public realm plan for that area, but that part of the plan was turned down recently).
In other towns, the local authorities have pedestrianized some areas for outdoor dining but our current street scape in Boyle would not seem to lend itself to this – or would it?. With parking spaces so sacrosanct on the Crescent, it would seem that the use of car parking spaces for tables and chairs will also be frowned upon as a facility for outdoor dining, so in general, we do not seem to be as geared up for the new way of socializing as many other towns are.
And finally…..!
A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o’clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door.
The man gets up and goes to the door, where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.
“Not a chance!” says the husband. “It’s three o’clock in the morning!”
He slams the door and returns to bed.
“Who was that?” asked his wife.
“Just some drunk guy asking for a push” he answers.
“Did you offer to help him?” she asks.
“No, I did not! It’s three in the morning and it’s pouring out!”
“Well, you have a short memory.” says his wife. “Can’t you remember about three months ago when we broke down and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him and you should be ashamed of yourself!”
The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain.
He calls out into the dark, “Hello, are you still there?”
“Yes.” comes back the answer.
“Do you still need a push?” calls out the husband.
“Yes, please!” comes the reply from the dark.
“Where are you?” asks the husband.
“Over here, on the swing.”