Boyle community weekly notes

We are fast approaching Christmas and once again we are making every effort to ensure Boyle Town is looking its brightest and best. Our annual Christmas Draw will take place this year during Christmas week with a top prize of €1,000! The funds from the draw go directly to the running costs, erection and insurance of the Lights for the Festive Season. We appeal to every business to contribute either a minimum of €50, and/or sell the two cards. In years gone by there was a door to door collection each year where businesses were expected to contribute sums of up to €300 towards the Christmas lights. Thankfully with the Christmas draw your contribution towards lighting Boyle is selling the raffle cards. Over the past few years the willingness of so many people to support the Draw has been remarkable. Three businesses last year sold in excess of 20 raffle cards totalling over €1500 which was phenomenal, but we very much appreciate every contribution of €50. The Raffle cards are all around town and by buying a line or 3 you are contributing to lighting up Boyle for the festival season. Our committee who organise the draw are ably assisted by several additional helpers who are responsible for the erection & dismantling of the lights (and who work in sometimes very inclement weather). These volunteers have already been called on and have the lights in situ – thank you sincerely. Any of our committee below will be happy to replace your cards when completed. Completed cards / donations will be collected from you on 19th /20th December – we encourage you to promote selling the lines straight away and appeal to you to give the cards a prominent place. Boyle is our town and we ask you to give our Boyle Christmas Lights Draw a priority space on your counter or desk. We thank the Businesses of Boyle for selling the cards and to the Community for supporting the Boyle and look forward to a busy and bright Christmas in Boyle.
Boyle Musical ‘Sister Act’ will be staged in St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle from Wednesday, November 20th to Saturday November 23rd and the performances will be at 8pm nightly. Tickets are selling very fast priced at €18, with a special opening night concession of €15. €12 tickets will be available for children, students and senior citizens, for Wednesday and Thursday night’s performances. Tickets can be purchased from our Booking Office which is located once again at the Úna Bhán Craft Shop in the grounds of King House. The office will be open from 10am to 4pm every day, excluding Sundays. Please note that tickets will be available for all performances but there is no pre-booking of allocated seats for Wednesday’s show. Tickets can also be booked by telephone on 071 9663033. This line will be open during booking office hours only, every day excluding Sundays, until November 23rd. We accept credit card bookings. Tickets will also be available at the door of the Hall, each night. A detailed seating plan is available on This will be Boyle Musical Society’s 36th annual musical show and the local cast features 42 new and familiar faces. They have been rehearsing since early September and together with the production team and committee, they are confident that this show will be a spectacular and memorable musical treat for all the family. For more information, please go to or follow us on Facebook.
Annual Community Mass will be celebrated in the Tawnytaskin Centre on Friday 22nd November at 8pm. All welcome to attend and it is a lovely opportunity to meet neighbours or make new friends and have a cup of tea afterwards.
Boyle town is the place to be on Saturday 30th November at 4pm where Santa will perform his first duties of the season and Light up Boyle for Christmas. Activities on the crescent for the turning on of the lights will include hot chocolate and Nibbles, while Our DJ will be getting us in the Christmas spirit. Santa will light up Boyle from the town clock and will be ably assisted by his helpers-the prize winners from the Schools competition, which is open to all children in Primary Schools (details sent to the Principals of each school) …..the place to be-The Crescent Boyle 4pm Saturday 30th November. The Winners of the Schools Art Competition will be announced on Wednesday 27th November.
The exciting International Cuisine Tasting and Craft Fair takes place on Sunday 1st December from 12noon to 4pm in Tawnytaskin Community Centre. Entry at door €5. Special Guest Santa at 2.30pm. For more information, contact 086-813005.
Once again King House Tea Rooms in Boyle will offer Christmas dinner for those ‘alone or lonely’. This will be the 3rd year that Dorothy Shannon and her team are giving up their Christmas Day to organise the popular event that attracted a large number of people last year. If you yourself or somebody you know wants to join others for an afternoon of chat and craic and a good hearty Christmas dinner on Christmas Day give Dorothy a call on 087 6430326.
Rising energy costs affecting turnover? Thinking of investing in training? Want to reduce waste in your business? If so, you can apply for a €2,500 Productivity Voucher to help your business do better; by funding, resourcing and advising you towards a more productive future. Find out more and apply NOW at: Closing date for applications 22nd November 2019
Free Computer Course available from Úna Bhán Tourism in Boyle. Courses include how to manage your herd online / Complete your annual audit in 15 minutes / Send and receive emails / Use the internet in a safe & secure way / Pay bills online / Online banking / How to make calls for free and lots more. Next course starts on 19th November and spaces are filling fast. Please contact Nigel on (071) 966 3033 for more details or to book your place.
Classes take place in Tawnytaskin Community Centre and continue on Nov 21st and 28th from 7.30pm to 9.00pm with Nicola and cost €3 per person per class.
A date for a wine lover’s diary. Daly’s annual Christmas Wine Fair will take place on Thursday 5th December at 7.30pm. This event always promises to be a festive night full of great wines & Christmas treats.
Boyle Family Resource Centre CLG contact details. website: We are also on twitter: Email: [email protected] – Counselling Service: [email protected] Telephone: 0719663000. Charity No: 20153519. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please let us know. Booking essential for all groups, courses and workshops. Our drop-in room is open Monday to Friday from 9am-1pm & 2pm-5pm. We have Tea/Coffee making facilities, Library, Comfortable Chairs, Computer & Wi-Fi access, information leaflets, a listening ear when needed.
Basic First Aid Course with Absolute Safety takes place on Friday 6th December from 9.30am-5pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Booking essential. Cost: €60
Community FEAD and Food Cloud. If you and/or your family need food, we distribute food through these programmes at Boyle Family Resource Centre (FRC). Please text the word FOOD + your first name to 0860496467 to receive details.
Thursday’s at 11am in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost is €40 for 6 weeks. Booking essential. To register your interest for a lunch time class from 12.30pm-1.30pm please contact the Centre.
Beginners Pilates with Oliver Nevin. Tuesday mornings at 10.30am in Boyle Family Resource Centre. Cost: €10 per session.
Yoga with Liz Dwyer ON Wednesday mornings from 11am-12pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre. Cost: €10 per session.
English Language Class with Michael O’Toole are for those whose English is not their first language. Tuesday’s 12pm-1pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost: €3/Donation.
A drop in confidential space for parents and families to call in and receive support and a listening ear about issues and concerns about you and/or your children. Wednesday mornings during primary school term 9.30am-12pm. An interagency project together with Boyle FRC, Foroige & Tusla. Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000.
Clothing Bank for your Winter Clear out. There is a clothing bank outside Boyle Family Resource Centre which accepts old clothes and bed linen, handbags, and shoes that are sent for recycling. Your support and donations are very much appreciated as this helps raise funds towards the Centres programmes and community work. NO DUVETS AND PILLOWS AS THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE RECYCLING COMPANY. Thank you.
Counselling & Psychotherapy is for anybody. Sometimes life can be difficult for us, it can be unmanageable and challenging. Counselling can be a great support or resource at times of crisis or difficulty in our lives. It involves meeting with a trained Professional Therapist in a safe confidential setting allowing you to talk about and explore life’s challenges in a non-judgemental space. Appointments are available Monday to Friday, day and evening. Therapeutic Support for Families, Adolescents, Couples and Individuals. The cost is on a sliding scale and is negotiable. Please contact Marie on 0719663000 or Maura on 0719663841 in Boyle Family Resource Centre. All our programmes and services are confidential and professional.
Roscommon Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service is a free & confidential service that provides assistance & support to families & individuals grieving the death of a loved one by suicide. Contact: Tiffany Jennings Walsh, Suicide Bereavement Liaison Officer on 0857407856 or Boyle Family Resource Centre (FRC) on 0719663000. This service is funded by the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention.
Baby & toddler groups can be a great way of meeting other people with children the same age as yours in our community. It is open to childminders, grandparents and other guardians, babies, waddlers and toddlers are welcome. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10am–12.30pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre (FRC) 0719663000. Cost: Donation. Bazz Art, Thursday December 12th 10am-11am sharp. Cost included in Baby & Toddler Group.
A space where you and your baby will receive lots of support, a warm welcome & a cuppa! Older siblings are very welcome to come along as are expectant mothers. Friday 29th November from 10am-11.30am in Boyle Family Resource Centre. Cost: €2 or donation.
Boyle Family Resource Centre (FRC) offer a wide range of Office and Administration Services at affordable rates. Services include typing, laminating, binding, scanning, faxing, photocopying A4 & A3. We offer internet access / Wi-Fi in our drop-in room and use of a PC. If you require a large amount of photocopying/office services, please call in advance to book on 0719663000.