The Boyle’d Pot 3/11/’17

The Convent of Mercy sale
The news item concerning the sale of the former Convent of Mercy that appeared on on Wednesday last drew great comment and discussion from viewers, with the overriding opinion being that the former Nuns residence would make a great hotel. Perhaps this is the opportunity Boyle has been waiting for and with the addition of some property in the vicinity of the Convent, then an ideal location for a boutique hotel could be in our midst. It seems to be generally accepted locally that the Royal Hotel will never be a hotel again. With that chapter in history nearly closed, we can now look to the likes of the Convent for the location of the much needed facility. But we can not wait and hope someone will appear out of the blue and purchase the building. Formal and informal approaches need to be made to developers and hospitality led individuals to make them aware of the great opportunity that exists in Boyle to turn the Convent into a hotel and not something else.
Halloween in Boyle
Halloween in Boyle seemed to have been a relatively quiet affair. There were plenty of fireworks and “bangers” to be heard but nothing on the scale of what take place on the east coast and in large urban centres like Dublin. On Tuesday night, the capital city sounded like a war zone and indeed looked like one too with bonfires blazing near every housing estate and the sound of fireworks and emergency vehicle ringing out in the night air. The majority of the activity in Boyle related to younger children dressing up and going house to house to “Trick or Treat” or participating in the many activities laid on in the likes of Drumanilra Farm Kitchen, Lough key Forest Park and King House. Long gone is the day when knocking on doors or changing gates to face the other way was the fun of the night.
Hosting the Musical in St. Joseph’s Church
With a little under two week now until the opening night of Boyle Musical Society’s production of ‘Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’, it seems not everyone is happy that the show will be performed in St. Joseph’s Church. An item in last week’s parish newsletter states that “some have expressed concern” at the staging of the musical in the Church. The Parish Council said they “unanimously agreed to host the Musical in the Church …..because it was a biblical story”. At rightly so. Hosting the musical in the magnificent surrounds of our parish church just goes to show how accommodating and progressive the Catholic Church authorities are here in Boyle. It’s similar in the Church of Ireland who are also accommodating when it comes to hosting events during the Arts Festival. Other towns could do with taking a leaf out of the Boyle book in this regard.
Final bids lodged for Frybrook House
Estate Agent Seamus Carthy of REA Carthy has told the Boyle’d Pot that two final bids have now been lodged with the vendors for Frybrook House and associated property. Mr Carthy would not be drawn on the bid prices but said they were “well in excess of the guide price” and were for the House, Gate Lodge and 3 acres of land. He was also loud in his praise of the town and the buoyant property market and said the interest in this property indicated the view that Boyle is moving forward and has a bright future ahead.
Talking about the weather
There is a lot of talk of a “cold snap” in the next few days but some of the online long range forecasters don’t seem to have heard about it. AccuWeather forecast for Boyle has the lowest daytime temperature of 8 degrees next Thursday and the lowest night time temperature of 3 degrees on Tuesday night. Another of the long range forecasters – Yr Weather, has also marked Tuesday night as 3 degrees and Wednesday only reaching 7 degrees – a far shot off the -10 we are hearing about.
And finally….!
Two guys were lying in their hospital beds waiting to go to theatre. One asked the other: “What are you in for?”
He answered: ” an endoscopy”
“What’s that?” the first one asked.
“They put a tube down your throat into your stomach to check for ulcers and cancer. What are you in for?”
“A camera up my backside.”
“Ah! That’s a colonoscopy” said the first guy.
“No” said the other, “My wife caught me taking pictures of our next door neighbour sunbathing in the nude.”