120 submissions on Royal Hotel site

Roscommon County Council has confirmed to Boyletoday.com that there were just under 120 final submissions received on the future use of the Royal Hotel site.
According to a spokesperson for the local authority “A report on the submissions will now be compiled and will be presented to the elected members at either the December or January Plenary Meeting”
“The report will then be forwarded to Boyle Town Team once approved”.
“It has yet to be confirmed if provisional exploration works on the site of the hotel will form part of this process.” according to the spokesperson.
Asked was there an emerging trend in the submissions, the spokesperson would not be drawn on the matter saying ” There were several items of note in the submissions but it would be unfair to share individual submissions at this stage”.
“The County Council would like to thank all those who took the time to fill out submissions.”
“Submissions were received from all over Ireland and some from other countries, and it was clear from the quality and size of submissions received that the people of Boyle and its diaspora gave a considerable amount of thought and time, as to the best possible future use of the site and how these many options could benefit the town”, the spokesperson concluded.