100 person limit when Masses resume in St. Joseph’s Church

It has been confirmed that public Masses will resume in st. Joseph’s Church on Saturday July 25th.
According to a spokesperson for St. Joseph’s: “After much consideration and deliberation we plan to open for Mass on July 25th for 7.30pm Vigil Mass and after that we plan to follow origional Mass times”.
“We look forward to gathering even though numbers will be limited to 100 people. All wil be in keeping with Government guideline and the health and safety of everybody”.
“Things will be very different as we gather together again”.
“We remind people that the duty to attend Sunday Mass is dispensed with at the moment”.
“We encourage the vulnerable in our community to continue to watch on the webcam or on their television”.
“We are in this together as we continue to be patient”.
“Guidelines for attending Mass will be published in next week’s parish newsletter”.